Type(s) of Workstations:

Core-I5,3rd Generation ,8BG RAM,160GB HDD 24 PC


The objective of this lab is to give the students a rigorous grounding of a programming language different from the one taught in the Introduction to Computing course. Depending on the language taught, the course covers: Compiling and Running a Program; Variables, Data Types; Arithmetic Expressions; Program Looping; Making Decisions in programming; Working with Arrays; Working with Functions; Working with Structures; Character Strings; Pointers.

The sub objectives are:

  • Know concepts in problem solving
  • To do programming in specific language (C, C++ )·
  • To write diversified solutions using language(C,C++)

Lab Director

Mr. Numan

Lab Engineer

Mr. Wahab

Lab Attendant

Mr. Shafiq