Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) are broad statements that describe what the graduates are expected to achieve a few years after graduation. Keeping in view the vision and mission of the University and mission of its Undergraduate program, the Department of Chemical Engineering has defined following four PEOs for its Undergraduate program:

PEO-1: Apply the knowledge, principles, and skills in process industry, academia, and complementary fields to meet the stakeholder’s requirements.

PEO-2: Graduates achieve professional success by practicing ethical behavior, social responsibility, and diversity, both as individuals and in team environments with effective communication.

PEO-3: Graduates pursue innovative approaches and career growth through professional practice, graduate studies, and other training programs in engineering sciences and management.

Mapping of Mission with PEOs:

Departmental Mission




To provide outstanding undergraduates empowered with excellent Integrity, technical, and leadership skills.



To become recognized nationally and internationally as a leader in providing novel and sustainable solution to the challenges in the areas like, health, energy and environment.



To promote safe, collaborative and respectful community for learning and work