Ahsan Nabi received an MS. degree in Computer Science from University of Engineering and Technology (UET), Lahore, Pakistan. He is currently a lecturer at Sharif College of Engineering and Technology. His current research interest includes artificial intelligence, natural language processing and data science.
- MS In Computer Science (UET Lahore, Pakistan)
- BS(Hons) In Computer Science (FAST-NU, Lahore)
⦁ 06 months of research experience in University of Derby, UK
⦁ 06 months experience as lecturer in University of Lahore
⦁ 01-year experience as Professional Services Consultant in Teradata Pakistan
⦁ 09 months of research experience in KICS, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore.
- Discrete Mathematics
- Machine Learning
- Software Engineering
- Data Structure and Algorithm
- Machine learning
- Medical Imaging
- Pattern Recognition
- Computer Vision
- ⦁ Khan, Ahsan Nabi, et al. “Visualizing norm polarities for ethical filtering using color-encoded normative tag cloud.” 2014 11th Annual High Capacity Optical Networks and Emerging/Enabling Technologies (Photonics for Energy). IEEE, 2014.
- ⦁ Khan, Ahsan Nabi, Aslam Muhammad, and AM Martinez Enriquez. “Mining for norms in clouds: Complying to ethical communication through cloud text data mining.” 2012 IEEE Fifth International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing. IEEE, 2012.
- ⦁ Khan, Ahsan Nabi, Liaquat Majeed Sheikh, and Summaira Sarfraz. “Psyche mining with PsycheTagger: a computational linguistics approach to text mining.” International Journal of Computers and Communications 6.2 (2012): 119-127.
- ⦁ Sheikh, Liaquat Majeed, Summaira Sarfraz, and Ahsan Nabi Khan. “PsycheTagger: Using Hidden Markov Model to annotate English Text with semantic tags based on emotive content.” Proceedings of the 11th WSEAS international conference on Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Engineering and Data Bases. 2012.
- ⦁ Abbas, Qaiser, and Ahsan Nabi Khan. “Lexical functional grammar for Urdu modal verbs.” 2009 International Conference on Emerging Technologies. IEEE, 2009.
- ⦁ Abbas, Qaiser, Tehseen Zia, and Ahsan Nabi Khan. “Syntactic and semantic analysis of Urdu modal verbs using XLE parser.” International Journal of Computer Applications 107.10 (2014): 39-46.
- ⦁ Sarfraz, Summaira, and Ahsan Nabi Khan. “Psyche Extraction Accuracy of English Texts of Non Native Speakers in Pakistani Universities.” International Journal of Business and Social Research (IJBSR) 2.1 (2012).