Courses of N&SS in Electrical Engineering Department
Sr.NO | Course Code | Course Title |
1 | HU-100 | Communication Skills |
2 | MA-123 | Calculus |
3 | PH-111 | Applied Physics |
4 | HU-101 | Technical writing |
5 | MA-200 | Differential Equations |
6 | MA-201 | Linear Algebra |
7 | HU-202 | Pakistan Studies |
8 | MA-202 | Scientific Computing |
9 | BA-400 | Entrepreneurship and small Business Management |
Courses of N&SS in Chemical Engineering Department
Sr.NO | Course Code | Course Title |
1 | CY-142 | Physical and Analytical Chemistry |
2 | CY-221 | Inorganic and Organic Chemistry |
3 | HU-111 | Communication Skills |
4 | HU-221 | Technical writing and Presentation Skills |
5 | IS-101 | Islamic and Pak Studies I |
6 | IS-201 | Islamic and Pak Studies II |
7 | MA-113 | Calculus and Analytical Geometry |
8 | MA-118 | Applied Mathematics and Statistics |
9 | MA-233 | Applied Mechanics |
10 | MA-240 | Numerical Analysis |
11 | ME-122L | Engineering Drawing |
12 | PHY-113 | Applied Physics |
Courses of N&SS in Computer Science Department
Sr. No | Course Code | Course Title |
1 | MA-123 | Calculus |
2 | PHY-121 | Mechanics and Wave Motion |
3 | PHY-121L | Mechanics and Wave Motion |
4 | IS-101 | Islamic and Pakistan Studies-I |
5 | CSE-121 | Circuit Analysis I |
6 | CSE-121L | Circuit Analysis I |
7 | PHY-131 | Electricity and Magnetism |
8 | PHY-131L | Electricity and Magnetism |
9 | IS-201 | Islamic & Pakistan Studies II |
10 | MA-224 | Multivariate Calculus |
11 | CS-211 | Discrete Mathematical Structures |
12 | MA-219 | Linear Algebra & Complex Analysis |
13 | CSE-221 | Digital Logic Design |
14 | CSE-221L | Digital Logic Design |
15 | HU-221 | Technical Writing & Presentation Skills |
16 | MA-225 | Differential Equation and Transforms |
17 | CS-201 | Numerical Analysis |
18 | CS-201L | Numerical Analysis |
19 | CSE-301 | Probability and Random Variables |
20 | HU-IIIL | Communication Skills |
21 | MGT-410 | Project Management |
22 | PHY-111 | Applied Physics |
23 | PHY-IIIL | Applied Physics |