Year 2022-onward
Description BBA/CS Electrical Engineering Chemical Engineering
At the time of admission 50,000 50,000 50,000
Tuition Fee
640000 1000000 1000000
TOTAL 690,000 1050000 1050000

Year 2020-onward
Description BBA/CS Electrical Engineering Chemical Engineering
50,000 50,000 50,000
TOTAL 50,000 50,000 50,000
Income tax will be charged as per Income Tax Ordinance.
Year 2020-onward
Semester BBA/CS Electrical Engineering Chemical Engineering
First 80,000 125000 125000
Second 80,000 125000 125000
Third 80,000 125000 125000
Forth 80,000 125000 125000
Fifth 80,000 125000 125000
Sixth 80,000 125000 125000
Seventh 80,000 125000 125000
Eighth 80,000 125000 125000
TOTAL 640000 1000000 1000000
Income tax will be charged as per Income Tax Ordinance.

 Tuition fee for 1st and 8th semester is payable as a whole before commencement of classes while Fee from 2nd to 7th semester is payable in two installments.

Security deposit is refundable after graduation.